The Lord Is The Greatest Resource You Can Have In Your Business
The Lord Is The Greatest Resource You Can Have In Your Business
Problem Solved! OmniAdvatage doesn't just give you the answer, We are the Answer! We not only provide outstanding Business Consultancy and Direction for Small Businesses, but OmniAdvantage has the Business Resources you need to deliver results. We use tools such as Business Planning, Financial Forecasting and Sound Customer Service Models to help you reach your goals. We have you covered from top to bottom with unparalleled Entrepreneurial Experience for your business!
We have a team of experts with decades of experience in their field. Most of these people have owned or led companies and are ready to help others achieve their goals. We are dedicated to delivering results. Our ramp up process is designed to empower your team and outfit them with the tools they need to succeed. Talk to us today about how we can support your growth, limit your turnover, and put you on a solid track to success and profit.siness Planning, Financial Forecasting and Sound Customer Service Models to help you reach your goals. We have you covered from top to bottom with unparalleled Entrepreneurial Experience for your business!
OmniAdvantage uses a unique business consulting and advisory approach to help identify gaps and find opportunities. We build a plan of action and get to work. Our analysis includes a project plan with timelines, milestones, costs and schedule that will meet with your approval. We deliver results not just advice. We not only point you in the right direction, we supply the "Business Resources" you need to get you there quickly and smoothly. That’s how we ensure your success!
Business advisors, coaches, and mentors are key in organizational development. That’s why when it comes to client selection we interview you as well. We want to give each of you the time and guidance you deserve. Whether you’re seeking a strategic alliance with the right partner, in need of a special skill set, or you are looking for the right tools to get you to the next level, we can help get you there. Together we’ll create, define, and refine your plan for success. We didn’t get there alone and neither will you, give OmniAdvantage a call today.
Everything in life is about timing; a major change of the dynamics of anything creates fear, doubt, and hesitation. Rudyard Kipling quoted;
"If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you. The world will be yours and everything in it."
After 35 years of founding and leading business entities, I sold all my equity in Wisconsin based companies, moved to Florida full-time in 2018. I am starting from scratch without my reputation or the relationships I had built in Wisconsin. The companies I founded have been an extension of my "Vision", but not always God's purpose. I've crashed & burned enough to know The Holy Spirit must lead everything I do.
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” ~ Einstein
After creating my first company in 1989, I hired a consultant when I could least afford one. At the end of the day, what I couldn't afford were the invaluable lessons Tom taught me. I learned how to think like a corporate CEO rather than the owner, and sole employee of a LLC. I came to understand something that most never will; "the type of business changes, but the dynamics of business never change".
But even though Tom gave me great advice, he offered no resources to accomplish those goals. I am successful as a Business Consultant and Coach because of what I know, and because I offer the resource services to get you there. The strength of any successful entrepreneur is seeing the "Big Picture and surrounding himself with experts to run the daily operations of a business.
Nothing I learned in school prepared me to be an entrepreneur, education lacks both the experience and wisdom of failure. Curiosity is fuel that strives for success despite many failed attempts. I had excelled at research, finding systemic weakness, and developing new technology to exploit that weakness. Our reputation alone created greater demand and commanded higher pricing.
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle; requires creativity and imagination, and marks real advance in science.” ~ Einstein
The answer to solving any puzzle is to look at the whole picture and see it for what it is. with opinions, not solutions, It's impossible to find problems through the lens of perception; there are no perceived "universal solutions". Only then can you be objective, weigh the options, come to a conclusion, and "work the problem". If there is no resolution, then walk away. Trying to get people to see those things they don't want to see is not only painful, it's an exhausting act of futility!!
My goal as your consultant and mentor is to use new technology to deliver quality product & services quickly while controlling supply; it takes Imagination to disrupt the market. Your business model must be fluid as we connect the dots between historical patterns and curren conditions to accurately forecast where the economy is headed and effectively use the art of finance to fund either growth or a downturn.
"If You Can Hear It, See It, and Believe It; I Can Take You There"
~ Timothy Gibb
The mission of OmniAdvantage Business Consulting LLC is to provide the resources necessary to achieve an impeccable standard of excellence in the field of business consulting. We will exemplify honor, character and integrity in the pursuit of success. We will conduct ourselves in a manner that defines success as the legacy we leave behind more than monetary gain. We are committed to impacting the lives of others in the community by giving a portion of our time and money to those less fortunate.
OmniAdvantage Business Resources, Inc. publicly declares Yahweh as "Chairman of the Board". We are here to serve an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God. We praise Jesus "The Christ" (Anointed One) who died on the cross for our salvation, our redemption, sanctification, justification and our glorification. Through His resurrection, He left us "The Helper", The Holy Spirit who empowers us through His Gifts to man!!