The Lord Is The Greatest Resource You Can Have In Your Business
OmniAdvantage Business Consulting
Optimal Efficiency With Minimal Effort
OmniAdvantage Business Consulting
Optimal Efficiency With Minimal Effort
The Lord Is The Greatest Resource You Can Have In Your Business
Optimal Efficiency With Minimal Effort
Optimal Efficiency With Minimal Effort
You've covered all the basic fundamentals of creating a business, now you have to "pull the trigger". We've heard thousands of stories from people who had what it takes to own and operate their own company, but fear of economic security and failure itself stopped them. The most important thing OmniAdvantage can offer the new entrepreneur is the courage to take that "step of faith". We believe in you, now believe in yourself
The structure of a company is the key foundation on which your business is built. It's the overall makeup of all of a company's different departments and functions. Each department has their own responsibilities, yet all work together in striving to achieve the common goal of the company as a whole. OmniAdvantage helps you outline your goals and builds a functional structural around the goal.
A well documented business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan as a road-map for how to structure, run, and grow your new business. It’s a way to think through the key elements of your business and can help you get funding or bring on new business partners. Your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince people that working with you and your company is a smart choice.
A great business model does more than describe the means and methods a small business owner employs to earn the revenue projected in its business plan. It views the business as a system and answers the question, "How are we going to be profitable in order to survive and grow?". But also it defines the character and make-up of the type of people you want in place to get you there. OmniAdvantage understands it's the people that make the company!
A Visual representation of the company's organizational structure. It depicts different management functions withing departments and their subdivisions as boxes linked with lines along which decision making power travels downwards and accountability travels upwards. You see many organizational charts as just simple boxes and titles. OmniAdvantage defines the roles of department personnel and creates a "custom" chart in a colorful, descriptive flow of the organization.
OmniAdvantage compiles a complete "competitive analysis" to help us learn from businesses competing for your potential customers. This is key to defining a competitive edge that creates sustainable revenue.
Our competitive analysis will identify your competition by product line or service and market segment. We assess the following characteristics of the competitive landscape:
A balance sheet is condensed statement that shows the financial position of your company on at any given date. It's required by lenders, suppliers and taxing authorities providing a true picture of an organization's state of affairs including asset, liability & capital accounts. An Income Statement reflects the profitability/loss itemizes revenues, direct costs, taxes and other expenses that support your Balance Sheet . OmniAdvantage has decades of experience preparing and analyzing the data. I is our job to sujest corrective measures to ensure the finacial health of your business.
Your projects are complete but not yet paid by the customer; these are Accounts Receivable. They are shown as current assets on a balance sheet and are typically unsecured promises to pay in the future by customers. These sums are a key factor in determining a firm's liquidity. You can use receivables as collateral in securing a "line of credit" on a continuous basis from a bank. However, leaving Accounts Receivable out past 90 days are usually not allowed by the bank. OmniAdvantage is vigilant about collecting from customers with-in the terms set out in a contract. Don't lend your money to your customers, we can help!
Accounts Payable include current expenses typically owed to your vendors & subcontractors. Accounts payable are shown on the Balance Sheet as current (short-term) liabilities We help owners to negotiate longer terms which acts as a "funding source" for your business. Lenders and investors examine these accounts to judge the overall financial management of the company. OmniAdvantage negotiates longer terms from your suppliers and builds relationships with lenders to establish financial health
In today's world, it appears that every term originally "coined" to describe a business strategy, contemplates only one half Of the original design of the concept. The missing piece is the downside of any business concept, eventually leading to a companies certain demise.
I hear corporate executives, apparently from another world, talk about "Scalability" as a systematic approach of implimenting technology to scrictly promoting the GROWTH of their company. I adamantly implore executives to change that "state of mind" and structure their company contemplating the correct definition of "Scalability".
Industry Scalability is a "business model" that quantifies the agility of a company's successl by qualifying it's ability to rapidly move "upward or downward" to thrive in any economic environment. Covid-19, and its ensuing global economic collapse, has proven the opposite side of "Scalability".
At OmiAdvantage we pay attention to the financial decisions you make. There are many moving parts in finance and planning these decisions is crucial. All moves will affect profitability, cash flow and tax consequences. Although most of the pieces are certainties, there are always methods to reduce, increase or balance one with the others. We have decades of experience making the best possible moves to make the most of your money!
A forecast should not be confused with a budget and at OmniAdvantage we know the difference. CPAs create budgets, CEO visionaries forecast scaling the company in preparation of sales and either add or cut costs on future economic forces. It plays a vital role helping management navigate the uncertainty of the future. The past repeats itself, it always does. Following the "smart money", watch FED monetary policy, and mix together with trending economic stability/volatility. Forecasting starts with assumptions based on experience, knowledge, and judgment of proven visionaries; our economic prowess and financial experience can project where we are headed.
Why do some companies operate at a higher level of efficiency than others? Employee job satisfaction is the reason most quality employees leave. OmniAdvantage encourages a company culture of loyalty built around "character and integrity" leading to personal fulfilment and a desire to achieve.
The style of management employed when running a business emulates the culture of the company. A variety of management styles exist but employees want decision makers who give clear direction. OmniAdvantage seeks managers who maintain a high level of interaction their with employees; it's a "Game Changer".
Loyal employees are a dynamic force! They are the engine that drive your products and services. However, every engine needs proper maintenance and fine tuning to run effectively. OmniAdvantage implements a methodology of workforce logistics that breaks down large mobilization problems into manageable solutions.
The power of leadership is your ability to motivate and cultivate people. Oftentimes you might feel as though your philosophical beliefs may not be relevant. But motivation is critical in achieving harmonious balance within the team that produces results and it's your philosophy that built the company. OmniAdvantage excels at motivating people to work together.
As a small business owner you want to seek out the best and brightest employees, but how do you compete with big business? OmniAdvantage takes that burden from you. We have a reputation for cultivating employees who desire "Upward Mobility" within the workforce. It is our best resource for future managers and creates positive motivation for candidates!
Effective management leads the way to an efficient workforce. As an owner you must be proactive in giving employees the right tools to do the job, everyone will be more efficient. Also, you will have an unhappy workforce if you are not providing competitive benefits. Let OmniAdvantage make sure everyone is doing their part; peace of mind is essential to all.
Send us an email at or send us a message on WhatsApp. You must list your name, business type, status, and service(s) you are interested in or we will not reply! We apologize for this initial request but we get too much SPAM & Solicitations.
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